
What is Aikido?

Aikido is a Japanese martial art orignated from Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969).It is designated as Aikido since around 1942 after Morihei Ueshiba developed it by combining practical self-defence movement taken from various Japanese Bujutsu (warrior arts). Ai (合) means coordination or harmony, Ki (気) means energy or spirit, and Do (道) means method or way; that is the word Aikido represent the method for coordinating mental energy.

What distinguishes Aikido from other mertial arts?

What makes Aikido unique is that it emphasizes a way of strengthening the mind and body by fusing the individual’s physical and mental power so that he or she will emerge as a more fully integrated human being.

Aikido is highly evaluated by foreign people, too

Appreciating the concepts of Aikido, increasing number of people are acticing Aikido in many countries all over the world. 
